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Trauma Resiliency Training
for Families

The Trauma Resiliency Training (TRT) for Families helps caregivers gain insight on trauma, resilience, and effective strategies for supporting themselves and their young individuals facing mental health and substance use challenges.



"A bit of control in an out of control situation."

What is
the TRT?

  • Small group learning alongside Parents and Caregivers who share the experience

  • Education about trauma, how it occurs, and ways to manage responses

  • Non-shaming, strengths-based training environment with takeaway skills

  • Facilitated by a Parent with lived experience and a Registered Clinical Counsellor​​

How was the TRT most useful to you?


"Knowing that we're not alone."




Our Story

On Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, we hosted a group of parents and caregivers who support young people dealing with mental health and substance use challenges. These individuals were exhausted, isolated, frustrated, ashamed, and traumatized. Yet, they were also resourceful, determined, creative, and eager to learn.


They referred to themselves as the "First, First Responders" for their children. They had revived their children from overdoses, found them after suicide attempts, supported them through psychosis, and rescued them from sexual exploitation. In response to their request for help, we sought a program to address the trauma symptoms they were facing as caregivers.


We discovered a program designed to teach trauma resiliency skills to veterans and professional first responders. We invited the program’s creator, Dr. Tim Black, to share these valuable skills with the families. Through this experience, we realized that there are very few programs aimed at supporting families dealing with the trauma of caregiving, and limited research focuses on this area. Recognizing that family services are often treated as youth services, this collaborative research project led to the development of a family-specific program: The Trauma Resiliency Training for Families.

What was valuable?

"I have a broader understanding of what our brains are doing under stress and why we default to certain reactions. ... Also meeting with other families that are going through similar difficult situations with their children."

“This program helps parents/families to not burn out, to keep going in the marathon of addiction support.“​

”Once we learn and understand the waves of dealing with trauma we recognize it in ourselves. That allows us time to let go a bit or leave that spot of being frozen in trauma and then be more present for our children when they’re in crisis. That’s my goal.”

"Huge takeaway for me: I can’t change something I’m not aware of. I will continue to be mindful and notice that I’m here right now living through this life of mine."

Contact the facilitators

Chantal Brasset and Jen Harrison facilitate the TRT for Families. Please reach out to us here if you have questions.

Find out about workshops

Want to host a TRT for Families in your community? Contact us.

Check out the literature 

The story of how this collaborative project came to be and the accompanying empirical evidence...

Support for Parents, Healing for Families

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We respectfully acknowledge that this project took place on the traditional territories of the W̱SÁNEĆ and lÉ™k̓ʷəŋən peoples. We recognize with great gratitude the Indigenous individuals and communities that have cared for this land for thousands of years before us. By acknowledging the history of choices made and actions taken, we glean the wisdom needed to interrupt the perpetuation of harm and make tangible steps toward equity.

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